Looking for a lightweight option to carry your gear? ASR Outdoors black drawstring backpack or cinch bag is an ideal alternative to larger tote bags or heavier backpacks!
The cinch bag is great for hiking, backpacking, to pack with camping gear, to use as a travel bag, carry on bag, gym bag, or just for general daily activities and outings. With a top loading compartment, spacious design and large carrying capacity, this drawstring backpack will keep you mobile and on the move without weighing you down!
Measuring 20 x 16 inches, this roomy string backpack can hold lots of athletic gear, a water bottle, personal belongings and more. The shoulder straps act as draw cord to cinch down the top closure, keeping items in tow securely packed via the stopper, but also quickly and easily accessible when needed. The drawstring backpack also features reinforced PU leather corners and metal grommets, ensuring that it will be able to stand up to lots of wear and tear while you’re on the go. Made of high quality polyester nylon, the cinch bag has a minor sheen making it easy to spot clean (do not put in dryer).
Summer adventure, beach day, gym session or for a small carry on bag when flying, grab your gear and go with this pack-able, convenient, portable and lightweight drawstring backpack from ASR Outdoor.