Keep all your child’s camping essentials organized with the Firefly! Outdoor Gear Sparkle the Unicorn Kid's Backpack. This colorful character is the perfect pal for camping trips, a day at the park, playtime, or simply going to school. Sparkle the Unicorn backpack is made of soft and durable materials which are great for all ages. Sparkle the Unicorn is outdoor rated so you can go from the playroom to the campsite without damage. With a three-liter pack size and two easy to zip storage compartments, there is plenty of room to store all your child’s snacks, school supplies, and toys. Step up your next outdoor adventure with the Firefly! Outdoor Gear Sparkle the Unicorn Kid's Backpack. Check out all that Firefly! Outdoor Gear has to offer and collect the entire Sparkle the Unicorn set.